Just Hangin' Aroung

Just  Hangin' Aroung

Friday, November 22, 2013

What Gives? The Psychology Behind Gift-Giving During the Holidays

Better to give than receive. We've all heard that at one time or another. But have you ever really thought about it? Why do we do it? What type of gratification comes from us in doing this act? This time of year often has brought to me a sense of dread rather than joy. That may sound a bit callus but it is true. Trying to choose items that people are really going to like is stressful. Some people just go through the motions when buying gifts for others. The sense of obligation overwhelms them and they do it whether they really want to or not. Sometimes it is due to lack of funds, but sometimes not. If you have ever had given someone a gift that they really didn't like you probably have felt bad and or angry. And quite the opposite feeling is derived when someone truly likes what you have given them. Personally, I like to give people things when they least expect it. Not when it is expected. Then it feels to me like the surprise element puts people off guard and usually they are thrilled. Most people like surprises. I feel a little more in control then.

Have you ever received gifts from someone and didn't really want it, because you really didn't like the person to begin with. Or maybe the person giving the gift was trying to manipulate you because there was an unspoken obligation after doing so. Maybe you didn't want the gift because you couldn't "pay the other person back". What if the person was just shoving it in your face that they had more money than you?  Whatever the reason, where is the joy in that?

But gift giving can also be a way to connect with others.  A way to express your appreciation and acknowledge each other. Sometimes maybe romantically or even to express respect or admiration or merely familiarity.

People should also know that there are other ways to acknowledge each other. Maybe have a party or send cards or photos, or a simple newsletter to bring them up to speed with what is up in your life. Whatever you choose to do, let's not forget what this season is really about. Acknowledging your spiritual beliefs whatever they may be. Let's enjoy this time of year and stop and smell the cinnamon. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!

Better to give than to receive
Better to give than to receive
Better to give than to receive

Sunday, November 17, 2013

WooHoo! I'm a Winner!

Congratulations! You have been selected to receive a prize by registering in the 2013 Merry Minutes of Winning, administered by ePrize for The Coca‑Cola Company.

You have won a $500 Target GiftCard®!

Your prize will automatically be shipped to the address listed in your profile at this time. You will receive your prize within 8-10 weeks after the conclusion of the promotion.
This is the biggest thing I have ever won. I'm sooo excited! Just in time for Christmas shopping! :D

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

12 Things you should never, ever say to a Chronic Migraineur

Here is an article from Migraine.com. 12 things you should never, ever say to a Chronic Migraineur.

I have had chronic migraines for the last 5 years.
I have heard every one of these at one time or another. I had a Migrainous stroke. Yes, a migraine can even be fatal. If you know someone with this disease I have found the best thing you can do is ask them if there is anything they need, or anything you can help them with.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

This picture cracks me up!

This picture cracks me up! It looks to me as if our dog Bella is saying, "Jeez Dad, you never let me eat anything! You are soo mean! LOL :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

"Mhm, so you're a Stay At Home Mom... What do you do all day?"

I had a difficult pregnancy, birth, and had toxemia and had to be induced early. My daughter was a preemie and between both her and myself  we both were in the hospital for over a month and a half . She needed a lot of extra care. I never thought I would be a new Mom at almost 33. All that being said I was on leave from my "job" for 16 months. I liked my job but I knew as soon as she was born that I had a new calling.

I worked part time at a new job that was close to home so I could spend more time with her. My husband worked nights so I was alone a lot. I did almost everything by myself. I did daycare for a friend so my daughter would have a playmate. I decided this still wasn't enough money so I started a third job. This went on for about 6 months. I saw myself slowly starting to lose it. I decided I would just work part time and watch my child full time.
There were some people who thought,"hey she's not doing anything, let's just dump our kids on to her. Or lets have her run these errands for us. How could she possibly mind?" Umm...I minded.

We bought everything from garage sales. We took clothing or furniture if people were giving it away. We sacrificed a lot. My daughter ended up being a sickly child so most if not all our money went towards that. Absolutely none of this was "FUN".
I home schooled her preschool because we couldn't afford to send her to a "real" preschool. We never ever have gotten any kind of assistance and because of our income we always fell through the cracks. We made too much to get assistance but to little to actually be able to afford anything. As it turned out she was exceptionally bright and could read at age 3. Could write legible sentences by age 4.

I knew it would not be in anyone's best interest to have more children. I was shamed and criticized for that. How could I not give her a little brother or sister to play with? I knew that if I did that it would be a risk for both me and my unborn child, so I chose to only have one.

I was criticized by so many friends, neighbors and relatives and even complete strangers who wondered "what do you do all day?" I started to have self doubt, was I not doing enough? Would I ever be able to find my way  back into the workforce with so much time in between? If anything happened to my husband would I be able to afford to live? What about when I got older, would I have anything to live off of then?

Time marched on and I loved being a stay at home Mom. I felt God had put me on this earth for a reason. Then one day when my daughter was about in 4th grade the other kids in her class were going to be let out of school for bring your daughter to work day. They asked her what I did. Everyone else  Moms had careers. She didn't know what to tell them. I stayed home. They looked at her like what do you mean she stays home? For the first time in her life my daughter was embarrassed of her Mother. She wanted to go with her Father to his job but his employer said no it was to risky and dangerous for children to be there. I was deeply hurt at her embarrassment. I told her she could stay home with me and I would show her what I did all day. She chose to go to school instead.

The next year she made a friend and started to hang around with her a lot. Her parents had money. A beautiful house, a pool, nice cars etc. All the things we didn't have. She wanted to spend all her time over there. For a little while I allowed it, but after a while it seemed like they were using her to keep their daughter occupied. I put a end to it and took my daughter back.

A couple of years went by and the unthinkable happened, our daughter became ill and was in and out of hospitals 5 times in one year. Finally she had to be put into a home for other children like her in another city. She would be gone for anywhere from 6 months to 1-1/2 years. I kind of went into a type of shock. I got really depressed and about a month later had a mini-stroke. It was like when a child leaves for college and you have empty nest syndrome but at an unnatural and sudden time. Even through all this I kept going to see her. We visited her at least twice a week for the first few months, then at about 6 months in she could come home for weekends. She was finally released after 9 months. I was ecstatic and very nervous to have her back. There were countless visits to doctors and therapists. This is still an ongoing thing. She is much better than she was, we are blessed with that. But I can't lie, I still feel like I'm holding my breath.

She is getting older now and soon she will be going off to college or moving out to start making her own life. I kind of feel lost. I am going to have to reinvent myself yet again to satisfy others expectations of me. I really don't have much of a plan. I'm not getting any younger and my health isn't what it used to be. I'm creeping up on 50 now. I am really afraid of feeling like a failure because if I'm not earning money in this society then what is my value? I will just ride out this new wave of my life and see where it lands me. Even though I feel lost at times, there is one thing I know for sure, I have no regrets.